Overview of the 16th Century - Norton Topics Online
Renaissance - The Annenberg/CPB Project
The Renaissance - Michael S. Seiferth
History, Politics, and Law
Renaissance Backgrounds: A Chronological Outline - Dr. Harriette Andreadis
Millennium Timeline: The 16th Century (1501 - 1600) - Greenwich 2000
Renaissance Humanism - The Annenberg/CPB Project
Humanism - Vatican Expo
Introduction to Politics and War in the 16th century - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Loyalty as an Elizabethan Practice - Peter Grubbs
Tyburn Tree: Public Execution in Early Modern England - Dr. Charlie Mitchell
Crime and the Law in Elizabethan England - UVic
The Technology of Warfare in Elizabethan England - UVic
Political and Social Aspects of the Later Elizabethan and Earlier Stewart Period - A. W. Ward
Power and Government in Elizabethan England - Heather Thomas
Shakespeare's England: Law - Arthur Underhill
Harrison's Description of Elizabethan England
More at Luminarium Encyclopedia Project
Economy, Trade, and Exploration
Renaissance Exploration, Travel, and the World Outside Europe - Norton Topics Online
Renaissance Exploration and Trade - The Annenberg/CPB Project
The Economy of Europe in the Renaissance - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Elizabethan Economy - Christopher W. Taylor
Poverty in Elizabethan England - Alexandra Briscoe
Religion & Philosophy
Religion in the Renaissance - UVictoria
Dissent, Doubt, and Spiritual Violence in the Reformation - Norton Topics Online
A Whirlwind Tour of the Protestant Reformation - Michael Bryson
The Protestant Reformation - Miles Hodges
The Core of Elizabethan Religion - John E. Booty
Book of Common Prayer Marks 450th Anniversary - Julia Duin
Ballads and brags: free speech and recusant culture in Elizabethan England - Phebe Jensen
N.D. versus O.E.: anonymity's moral ambiguity in Elizabethan Catholic controversy - ML North
Bibliography: Redefining the Sacred in Early Modern England - Folger Library
The Puritan movement - UVic
European Society in the Reformation Era - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
The Reformation in England - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Queen Elizabeth and the Reformation - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Forms of Early Religious Vernacular Texts in England (c.1475-1570) - David J. Duncan
The Elizabethan Homilies 1623 - UToronto
Renaissance Science and Medicine
Medieval Cosmology - Luminarium Encyclopedia
The Medieval Universe - UVictoria
Scientific Revolution - Dr. E.L. Skip Knox
Syphilis and the Shepherd of Atlantis - Stephen Jay Gould
Paracelsus' Impact on Medicine During the Renaissance Era - Blake, Aronstam, & Buchanan
The Galileo Project - Rice University
Giambattista della Porta's "Natural Magick", 1584
Leonardo da Vinci: Scientist, Inventor, Artist - Museum of Science, Boston
Alchemy Virtual Library
Miscellany of Scientific Treatises: manuscript, ca. 1450-1475 - UPenn
The Plague
The Black Death - Dr. E.L. Skip Knox
The Plague - UVictoria
Pictures of the Plague - Ed Stephan
John Graunt's Bills of Mortality - Ed Stephan
The Plague in Elizabethan England - Miller, Orr, Bunker, and Rahman
Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe - University of Virginia
Magic, Witchcraft, and the Supernatural
The Supernatural - UVictoria
Witchcraft Documents [15th Century] - Medieval Sourcebook
Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and America - UVA
Demonology - Cosma Shalizi
Excerpts from Harsnett's A Declaration of egregious Popish Impostures (1603) - UPenn
Two sixteenth-century Latin treatises on witchcraft - UPenn
Spirits, Witches, & Science: Why the rise of science encouraged belief in the supernatural in 17th-c. England - Richard Olson
To Prevent a "Shipwreck of Souls": Weyer and "De Praestigiis Daemonum" - Elisa Slattery
Towards a New Demonology - Steven Connor
Witchcraft Craze History - Laren
Witchcraft Trials & the Origins of the Witchcraze in Late Medieval England - "Epona Seaborn"
Witch-hunts of Scotland: How the trial of Doctor Fian Began a New Craze - "Wolf-Singer"
Witches - Eric Schaefges
Women in the Renaissance
Ale Wives, Old Wives, Widows, and Witches:
The Older Woman in English Renaissance Literature - Patricia Shaw .PDF
Impudent Women: Carnival and gender in early modern culture - Kate Chedgzoy
Knox's The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women 1558
Gender, Family, Household: 17th C. Norms and Controversies - Norton Topics Online
Women's Rights - Norton Topics Online
Education of Women - Norton Topics Online
Women's Public Speech - Norton Topics Online
Education of Girls - UVic
Elizabethan Women Writers - UVictoria
Women as Translators - UVictoria
Huswifery - UVictoria
Women: loved and loathed - UVictoria
Order in the sexes - UVictoria
Literature for women - UVictoria
The Housewife's Rich Cabinet: Remedies, Recipes, and Helpful Hints - Folger Library
Shakespeare's Unruly Women - Folger Library
The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women
Life of Women in Tudor England - Kelly Crispen
Bibliography: The Education of Upper-Class Englishwomen - Sharon Deborah Michalove
Women's Writing in the Renaissance and Reformation - Janet Clare
Renaissance Art Posters
Renaissance Images of the Virgin
An Image-Oriented Introduction to Backgrounds
for English Renaissance Literature - Professor Herman Asarnow
Renaissance Image Gallery - Professor Rebecca Bushnell
Seeing What Shakespeare Means - Folger Library
Renaissance Maps - Lara Eakins
Early Modern Cartographic Resources on the WWW - Rhonda Lemke Sanford
Tudor Dress: A portfolio of images - Hope Greenberg
Electronic Renaissance: Images - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
University of Michigan Image Catalog
Bodleian Library Image Catalog
Novus Orbis: Images of the New World, 1507-1669 - UVA
Facsimile of Henry VIII's letter to Ann Boleyn
Pictures of the Plague - Ed Stephan
Renaissance Art
Free Renaissance Fonts
Renaissance Art Posters
Renaissance Images of the Virgin
National Portrait Gallery
Art in Renaissance England - UVictoria
The Arts in Tudor England - Kelly Crispen
Italian Painting of the 15th century - National Gallery of Art
Italian Painting of the 16th century - National Gallery of Art
Northern European Painting of the 15th-16th centuries - National Gallery of Art
Renaissance Tapestry - Sara Stone
Chronology of Art and Science in the Renaissance - Virtual Renaissance
Renaissance Architecture
Renaissance Architecture in England - UVictoria
Tudor Architecture - Lara Eakins
Renaissance and Baroque Architecture - UVA
Elizabethan Architecture - Valerie Kamhi
Renaissance Music
Music History 102: The Renaissance - IPL
Renaissance Consort
Music in England - UVictoria
Music in Tudor England - Lara Eakins
Early Music Midi Files - Curtis Clark
Guitar and Lute MIDI Library - Allan Alexander
Classical MIDI Archive: Composers born before the 17th century - Pierre R. Schwob
Classical MIDI Connection: Renaissance - Raborn and Winters
Mulliner Book MIDI files - David Cooke
English Baroque MIDI files - David Cooke
Renaissance MIDIs - Conrad Bladey
Medieval and Renaissance Music Research Page - Mulcheng
A Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - Musica Antiqua
Renaissance Musical Instruments - Megan Haynes and Brian Hart
16th-Century Printed Tablatures for the Lute, Vihuela, Guitar, and Cittern - Dr. Gary R. Boye
Sixteenth Century Ballads - Greg Lindahl
Renaissance Theatre
The Sixteenth Century Court Audience: performers and spectators - Sarah Carpenter
Shakespeare's Stage - UVictoria
The Drama and Shakespeare - UVictoria
Renaissance Drama Home Page - Dr. Christy Desmet
London's disreputable South Bank in the 16th and 17th century. - Jessica A. Browner
Centre for Research in Early English Drama (REED) - University of Toronto
Renaissance Dance
Renaissance Dance - Andrew Draskóy
Renaissance Dance Sources - Joseph Casazza
Renaissance Music and Dance Homepage - Greg Lindahl
'Les Basses Danses de Marguerite d'Autriche'
Music and Dance of the Period - Center for Fawkesian Pursuits
Renaissance Costume
The Costumer's Manifesto: 16th century/Northern European Renaissance - Tara Maginnis
Tudor Dress: A Portfolio of Images - Hope Greenberg
Arador Armour Library - David Clemons
The Renaissance Tailor: 16th and 17th Century Clothing
Modesty to Majesty: The Development of the Codpiece - Beth Marie Kosir
Decorative Armor - LaDaryl Hale and Zak Manes
Hairstyles of the Elizabethan Period - Barfield and Fuller
Men's Fashion during the Elizabethan Period - Matt Doering
Women's Fashions of the Elizabethan Period - Bridges and Granger
Renaissance Printing and Publishing
Martin Marprelate Controversy - Luminarium Encyclopedia
Publishing in the Renaissance - UVictoria
The World of the Renaissance Print Shop - Merry Wiesner-Hanks
The Infancy of Printing - University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Printing: Renaissance & Reformation - University of South Carolina
Renascence Editions: Works Printed in English, 1477-1799 - R. S. Bear
The Book-Trade, 1557–1625 - H. G. Aldis
Tudor Aristocrats and the Mythical "Stigma of Print" - Steven W. May
Renaissance Printing and Thinking - The Annenberg/CPB Project
Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World - Bruce Jones
Printing in the Renaissance and Reformation - University of South Carolina
Renaissance Food and Drink
Elizabethan Alehouses - Heather Thomas
Food in Tudor England - Lara Eakins
Medieval/Renaissance Brewing Homepage - Greg Lindahl
Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage - Greg Lindahl
Renaissance Society - UVictoria
Tudor Heraldry - Kelly Crispen
London and the Development of Popular Literature - Harold V. Routh
Childhood in Elizabethan England - Heather Thomas
Outlaws and Highwaymen - Gillian Spraggs
Education during the European Renaissance - UMN
History of Prose Style - John F. Tinkler
Elizabethan Sports - Gretchen Maxwell and Alan Carey
Currency Values In Elizabethan England - Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire
Renaissance Forum - Andrew M. Butler, Technical Editor
Early Modern Literary Studies - Lisa Hopkins, Editor
VoS: Renaissance and 17th Century - Alan Liu
Renascence and Reformation - Cambridge History of English and American Literature
Internet Modern History Sourcebook - Paul Halsall
English Literature on the Web - Mitsuharu Matsuoka
Literary Resources -- Renaissance - Jack Lynch
Sonnet Central - Eric Blomquist
Imagining Early Modern Worlds - Dr. Grant Williams
San Antonio College LitWeb - Roger Blackwell Bailey, Ph.D
Elizabethan England - Springfield High School, IL
Shakespeare and the Renaissance - Terry A. Gray
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