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1. Anna Vogel, Swedish Association for Language and Cognition 2. Anjum Saleemi, Reshaping the Mould: Literature and Language Studies Message 1: Swedish Association for Language and Cognition |
Date: 21-Oct-2008
From: Anna Vogel Subject: Swedish Association for Language and Cognition Full Title: Swedish Association for Language and Cognition Short Title: SALC conference 2009 Date: 10-Jun-2009 - 12-Jun-2009 Location: Stockholm, Sweden Contact Person: Anna Vogel Meeting Email: SALC2009 Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2008 Meeting Description: In the second SALC conference, SALC-2009, we hope to bring together folks from within all areas of language and cognition studies in Sweden and internationally. Call for Papers Second Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition SALC June 10-12, 2009 Arranged by the Departments of English, Scandinavian Languages, and General Linguistics Stockholm University Second Circular We are pleased to announce the second SALC conference, SALC-2009, where we hope to bring together researchers from within all areas of language and cognition studies in Sweden and internationally. We welcome discussions on a wide variety of issues within the general area of language and cognition, and with particular focus on the areas of cognitive linguistic approaches to language acquisition and the contributions of psycholinguistics to linguistic theory. We are very pleased to announce our plenary speakers for the conference: -- Elizabeth C. Traugott, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and English at Stanford University -- Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Professor of Comparative Linguistics at Stockholm University. -- Niclas Abrahamsson, Associate Professor at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism at Stockholm University. -- Daniel Casasanto, Postdoctoral Researcher, Senior Scientific Staff at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. Call for papers We invite the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the "Second Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC) / Svenska Sällskapet för Språk och Kognition (SSSK)" to be held at Stockholm University between June 10th and 12th, 2009. Presentations should involve research based on structures and processes of general cognition (e.g. perception, memory and reasoning) and social cognition (e.g. joint attention and imitation), and as affecting such structures and processes. The conference, as SALC in general, is intended to be a forum for the exchange of ideas between disciplines, fields of study and theoretical frameworks. Topics include, but are not limited to: -psycholinguistic approaches to language and cognition -language acquisition/use and cognition -language structure and cognition -language and cognitive development and evolution -language change and cognition -language and gesture -language and consciousness -linguistic typology and cognition -linguistic relativity The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2008. Please send two copies of an abstract of about 400 words (excluding references) to SALC2009 in one copy; one copy must remain anonymous. Presentations should last 20 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. After the process of peer-revision, e-mail notifications will be sent out by March 1, 2009. Conference Fees: -50 Euros for faculty SALC members, -70 Euros for faculty non-members -40 Euros for student SALC members -50 Euros for student non-members The annual SALC membership is 15 Euros for faculty and 10 Euros for students. There will be a conference dinner for a cost of 40 Euros. Registration and payments can be made on-line at Theme sessions. As part of SALC-2009 there will be four theme sessions described in Themes (at the bottom of this message). If you are interested in submitting a paper to one of the theme sessions, please mark your abstract clearly with your intended theme session. The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2008. Please send two copies of an abstract of about 400 words (excluding references) to SALC2009 under the title in one copy; one copy must remain anonymous. All submissions, both general and for theme sessions, will be peer-reviewed, after which e-mail notifications will be sent out by March 1, 2009. Plenary speakers Elizabeth C. Traugott - Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and English at Stanford University. She has done research in historical syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, lexicalization, socio-historical linguistics, and linguistics and literature. Her current research focuses on ways to bring the theories of grammaticalization and Construction Grammar to bear on accounts of micro-changes. Daniel Casasanto - Postdoctoral Researcher, Senior Scientific Staff at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. His research integrates methods from cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, linguistics, and cognitive neuroscience to explore connections between talking, thinking, perceiving, and acting. Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm - Professor in General Linguistics at Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University. Her interests include: typology, lexical typology, nominal juxtaposition, the origin, meaning(s) and grammatical properties of kin and temperature terms. Maria's current research focuses on areal phenomena in the languages spoken around the Baltic Sea and also recurrent semantic shifts and form/meaning correlations in the core vocabulary of human languages. Niclas Abrahamsson - Associate Professor at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism Stockholm University. His research interests include first and second language acquisition, cognitive, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic aspects of language acquisition and language use and maturational constraints and the critical period, language aptitude, first language attrition and also second language phonology and phonetics. Theme Sessions at the Second International Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), Stockholm June 10-12 2009. 1. Interfaces of Language and Vision. Coordinator: Pirita Pyykkönen, Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Finland. 2. Cognition and second Language Use. Coordinator: Alan Mcmillion, English Language department, Stockholm University, Sweden. 3. Language, Consciousness and Semiosis. Coordinators: Jordan Zlatev, Centre for Languages and Literature and Göran Sonesson, Department of Semiotics, Lund University, Sweden. 4. When a Word Makes a World. Coordinator: Tetyana Lunyova, English Philology Department, Poltava State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Interfaces of Language and Vision People use language to communicate with other people daily in natural environments. Recent psycholinguistic studies have done important work to explain how attention to visual environment is linked to language in such situations. Especially, studies with the visual world eye-tracking method have empirically shown that allocation of attention to visual entities in the world has a tight temporal coupling with cognitive processes underlying spoken language comprehension and production. By studying a variety of different linguistic structures these studies have tested and developed psycholinguistic theories and models of language comprehension and production. The current theme session on Interfaces of Language and Vision is dedicated to studies investigating how visual environment interacts with language comprehension and production processes. The topics are as follows (but not restricted to): -Visual environment and language comprehension -Visual environment and language production -Relationship between salience in language and salience in visual scenes -Visual environment and anticipation in language comprehension -Role of memory in the coordination of language and vision -Joint attention between speaker and listener in human-human interaction and human-robot interaction -Language comprehension/production with and without visual world -Interfaces of language and vision in language acquisition and their implications for acquisition theories -Modeling interfaces of language and vision Cognition and Second Language Use In recent decades a vast amount of research has been done both within the broad area of cognitive linguistics and cognitive studies generally, as well as within the broad area of second language acquisition and use. The overlap between these two areas, however, has remained relatively small. The aim of this theme session is to bring together researchers who are working within a cognitive paradigm on questions of L2 acquisition and use. The most general issue in cognitive approaches to L2 use is perhaps the question of cognitive and processing differences between L1 and L2 use. There are very many more specific questions, such as the following: -cognitive barriers to native-like proficiency in L2 users -various cognitive stages in L2 attainment -processing efficiency among L1 and L2 users -L2 reading/writing/speaking/listening proficiencies -the critical period hypothesis transfer -L2 influences on L1 processes (reverse transfer) -cognitive aspects of language aptitude -didactic/pedagogical approaches - what can cognitive linguistics offer to L2-education? We would welcome all papers that address these and related questions within the area of cognition and L2 use. Language, consciousness and semiosis By definition, language is the major object of study of linguistics, and semiosis ("meaning making") of semiotics. No one has a similar monopoly on consciousness, but until recently it was mostly philosophy that dared to deal with this "dangerous topic", and, arguably with most insight, the tradition of phenomenology, emanating from Husserl. However, in the past, few scholars have ventured to trespass the borders of these three subjects, and thus to investigate the relations between language, consciousness and semiosis in a truly interdisciplinary fashion. But the times they are a'changing. Journals such as Cognitive Semiotics, Journal of Consciousness Studies, and Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences have recently published issues precisely encouraging such "trespassing". Established semioticians such as Fredrik Stjernfeldt, Søren Brier and Göran Sonesson have written extensively on language, consciousness and semiosis, combining insights from the three disciplines. Linguists such as Len Talmy, Per-Åge Brandt, Esa Itkonen and Jordan Zlatev have done likewise. Members of the interdisciplinary "Distributed Language Group" (DLG) have done so too, though being more influenced by Wittgenstein, Vygotsky and Maturana than phenomenology. Phenomenologists "proper" nowadays seem less concerned with language per se, but Shaun Gallagher, Søren Overgaard and Maxine Sheets-Johnstone have made valuable contributions, especially with respect to the elucidation of a notion that is crucial for cognitive linguistics: "embodiment". In this theme session, we invite contributions (from these and related fields) that explicitly deal with the relationships between language, consciousness and semiosis. A key question is that of priority, in ontological, methodological and empirical (e.g. in ontogeny and phylogeny) terms between language, consciousness and semiosis (and particularly: signs). For example, Peircians often give priority to signs with respect to both consciousness and language. Sonesson, on the other hand, privileges consciousness within a framework of "phenomenological semiotics". Zlatev argues similarly for "the dependence of language on consciousness". Finally, DLG members like Cowley and Kravchenko argue for a decisive role of "languaging", understood in broadly biosemiotic terms, for consciousness. We look forward to open discussions on these issues, on the basis of presentations using either stringent conceptual/semantic analysis, or empirical investigations, and in the best case both. When a Word Makes a World The session will be devoted to examination of linguistic relativity as (re)created in fiction. When inventing peculiar worlds in their books, many writers, among them such different authors as J.R.R. Tolkien, Anthony Burges, Will Self, created specific languages for the inhabitants of these worlds to speak and think. The discussion at the session is expected to touch on various aspects of fictitious linguistic relativity analyzed within the framework of cognitive science, including the following questions: -- What cognitive need prompts authors to invented languages for fictitious worlds or, alternatively, create fictitious worlds where invented languages can be spoken? -- What categorizations do these invented languages represent? How do these categorizations contribute to ensuring the uniqueness and authenticity of the fictitious worlds? -- What are the relationships between an invented language and a real language/ real languages? -- What cognitive difficulties may/ do readers encounter when interpreting messages in invented languages? -- What cognitive structures and mechanisms are employed by readers to understand invented languages? -- How are the conceptual and semantic gaps between invented languages and real languages bridged? -- What is the correlation between real linguistic relativity and fictitious linguistic relativity? Message 2: Reshaping the Mould: Literature and Language Studies |
Date: 20-Oct-2008
From: Anjum Saleemi Subject: Reshaping the Mould: Literature and Language Studie Full Title: Reshaping the Mould: Literature and Language Studies Short Title: RMLLS Date: 19-Jan-2009 - 21-Jan-2009 Location: Lahore, Pakistan Contact Person: Anjum Saleemi Meeting Email: confellgcu Web Site: Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature Call Deadline: 29-Oct-2008 Meeting Description: The overarching theme of the conference is the triple nexus between the study of English literature, the English language, and the scientific study of language known as linguistics. Call for Papers Reminder and Extension of Deadline: 29-Oct-2008 This is a call for abstracts for an international conference on literature and language studies that the GC University, Lahore, Pakistan (, is planning to organize (pending approval of funding) in January 2009 in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The conference proceedings will span three days, namely, 19-21 January. The overarching theme of the conference is the triple nexus between the study of English literature, of the English language, and the scientific study of language known as linguistics, a nexus that exists as it does today in many parts of the world in large measure due to historical convenience. The situation in general seems to be riddled with a number of paradoxes: for instance, often the distinctions between (i) English literature and the literature of non-English origins, i.e., literature in English and literature accessed through translation into English, (ii) the study of English for the purposes of attaining functional proficiency in the language, and (iii) the scientific investigation of language as a universal human cognitive system, get blurred in pursuit of what has been administratively the parent discipline in a large number of postcolonial contexts, i.e., English literature or, more generally speaking, English studies. Not infrequently the ambiguity of this situation makes people consider these other more or less related disciplines as mere extensions of the study of English language and literature within which the disciplines in question are perceived to coexist as a result of an unwritten uneasy truce between them. This conference aims to bring together researchers and writers who are keen to discuss this state of affairs, not necessarily in a confrontational manner. In addition, those who do not intend to directly challenge the status quo, or present alternatives to it, will also have an opportunity to present their research on a substantial aspect of any of these three areas of investigation, as one of the major aims of the conference is to enhance an understanding of some significant academic issues regardless of the boundary disputes implied earlier, thus accepting their overlapping coexistence as an unavoidable practical reality which should not prevent people from moving on within the peculiar situation they find themselves in respectively, a strategy which might result in some of the demarcational faculty disputes simply being left behind, or in their disappearance from the academic scene altogether without any definitive resolution. Thus, the conference is likely to envisage, indeed encourage, a revisionist agenda, but not at the expense of the inherent value of the research accomplished within the prevalent framework (such as it is!). We invite abstracts (from literary scholars, linguists, language teachers, area study specialists, etc., including graduate students) on the specific theme(s) described above, but also on many other relevant themes, some of which are listed below. It goes without saying that the abstracts submitted need not to be confined to the following list, which is not intended to be exhaustive. The conference presentations are likely to consist of sessions organized around specific themes, and will in addition be interspersed with discussion sessions. Each individual presentation will be expected to last 20 minutes (leaving aside the keynote speakers), to be followed by a question-answer session of 10-minutes' duration. 1. Fundamental research and criticism; literary theory in general. 2. The humanizing role of literature in education. 3. The English language and its postcolonial discontents. 4. Literature and linguistics. 5. The significance of linguistics as a discipline. 6. The English language in South Asia. 7. The South Asian literature in English. 8. Educational implications of literature and linguistics. 9. Linguistics and language teaching. 10. Literature and language teaching. Keynote Speakers: The following have accepted the invitation to be the keynote speakers: Graeme Cane, Aga Khan University Vivian Cook, University of Newcastle Muhammed Hanif (author of A Case of Exploding Mangoes) Jason Harding, University of Durham Alamgir Hashmi, PIDE Tariq Rahman, Quaid-e-Azam University Rajendra Singh, University of Montreal Shaista Sonnu Sirajuddin, Punjab University Abstract Submission: Two copies of each abstract should be sent: one anonymous, and the other with the name and the affiliation of the author(s). These should preferably be submitted through e-mail to the address specified below. Not exceeding 500 words (excluding any references, data, tables, etc.), the abstracts must be in the Word/A4 format, single-spaced, justified on both sides with a 1½ inch margin on and the left and the right of the text and also at the top and the bottom of a page. They should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman, with the title in bold 14-point of the same type of font. Authors may submit at most two abstracts, individually or as a joint author. Likewise, no more than two abstracts may be submitted by the same set of joint authors. Further, there is a possibility that a selection of the papers presented will be submitted to a reputable publisher as a volume to be published. General Information: The delegates (with the exception of the keynote speakers) will be expected to pay and arrange for their accommodation themselves. However, the organizers will do their best to help them locate appropriate places. Further detailed information regarding travel, accommodation and other hospitality arrangements will be posted on the conference website in due course. It might as well be mentioned that the neo-Gothic GCU campus, the venue of the conference, was built around 150 years ago, and is located near the heart of the historic city of Lahore (that is, just outside the walled inner city). Registration: The participants whose abstracts have been accepted must pre-register for the conference at least four weeks in advance. Other delegates may register on-site. The registration fee is US$ 20.00 for international participants, and PakRs 300.00 for Pakistani participants. This may be transmitted to conference account by means of mode(s) of transfer that will soon be specified on the conference website. Important Dates and Addresses: E-mail address for submission of abstracts and inquiries: confellgcu and confellgcu Note: Please send your abstracts to both the e-mail addresses specified above. Organizing Committee: Convener: Nosheen Khan Chief Organizer: Anjum P. Saleemi (saleemi Organizer: Shahzeb Khan (shahzebkhan Members: Siddique Awan, Saira Fatima Dogar, Arooj Ehsan, Rida Iqtidar, Saima Jabeen, Mahrukh Nishaat, Shafaat Yar Khan, Asma Zulfiqar |
Friday, February 12, 2010
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