English Literature
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Provides access to biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses of authors from every age and literary discipline. Covers more than 120,000 novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, and other writers, with in-depth coverage of 2,500 of the most-studied authors.
Provider: ProQuest
Provides citations to journal articles, books, working papers, conference proceedings, bibliographies, and other materials. Areas covered include literature, language, linguistics, film, theatre and folklore. Covers 1926-present.
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Arts & humanities citation index
Provider: FirstSearch
Citations to more than 1,300 arts and humanities journals and to relevant articles on arts and humanities in over 5,800 social science and science journals. Records include articles, bibliographies, editorials and reviews. Covers 1980-present.
Offers 250,000 full text poems and 450,000 citations, as well as poetry commentary, poets' biographies, and literary glossary terms. Also provides citations and finding tools for thousands of other poems in hundreds of printed anthologies. Poems are searchable by first line, last line, title, author, and subject. Also provides biographical information on poets and a glossary of terms. Coverage varies.
Dictionary of Old English, Old English corpus
Presents and defines the vocabulary that formed the English language during the earliest period of the language, 600-1150 A.D. The vocabulary is based on an analysis of the surviving records of Old English and includes headwords, definitions, and quotations. Coverage current.
Early American imprints. Series I, Evans (1639-1800)
Covers American history and literature from the colonial period to the eighteenth century. Provides full-text digitization of the Early American Imprints microform set, Series I (1639-1800).
Early English books online.
Contains digital images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700. This collection contains about 100,000 of over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Includes books, pamphlets, manuscripts and newspapers.
A full-text searchable database of articles on individual critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. It also treats related persons and fields that have been shaped by or have themselves shaped literary theory and criticism. Each entry includes a selective primary and secondary bibliography.
Provides full-text and page images from many of the top journals in most academic disciplines. Coverage is from the inception of the journal through three to five years ago.
Literature On-line (Chadwyck-Healey)
Provider: Chadwyck-Healey
A full-text collection of poetry, drama, and prose. Includes complementary references sources. Offers access to information on English and American literature including bibliographies, and catalogs. Also provides access to online editions of literary works, discussion lists, electronic journals, and library catalogs. Includes links to English poetry texts, drama, and fiction. Also offers links to editions of the works of William Shakespeare, to American poetry, editions of the Bible, and Webster's dictionary.
Modern English Collection
Offers access to modern English language literature collections. Contains fiction,nonfiction, poetry, drama, letters,newspapers, manuscripts and illustrations from 1500 to the present. Covers publications from 1950-present.
Provides online Naxos AudioBooks; literature and poetry ranges from medieval times to the twentieth century, and many newly written texts.
The new
"Provides a comprehensive reference for those interested in the history of poetry or in any aspect of the technique or criticism of poetry. Provides surveys of national poetries; descriptions of poetic forms and genres; detailed explanations of the devices of prosody and rhetoric; and overviews of all major schools of poetry ancient and modern, Western and Eastern."
Contains the complete text of the 20-volume OED, 2nd edition, published in 1989. Presents the words that have formed the English vocabulary from the time of the earliest records down to the present day, with all the relevant facts concerning their form, sense, history, pronunciation, and etymology. Coverage current.
Periodicals index online (Chadwyck)
Index to journal articles in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, including some published as far back as 1770. Includes periodicals in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, and other Western languages.
Project Muse
Provides access to journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
Women writers online.
Offers a full-text collection of works in English by pre-victorian women writers. Covers 1400-1850.
World Shakespeare bibliography online.
Provides annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, production reviews, audiovisual materials, electronic media and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare. Covers works published or produced between 1963 to the present.
ProQuest Research Library
Provider: ProQuest
Provides citations and full-text magazine and journal articles in a wide variety of disciplines, both scholarly and popular in scope. Covers 1971-present.
Arts & humanities citation index
Provider: ISI
Multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities with selected, relevant items from major science and social science journals. Covers 1975- present.
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