Monday, February 1, 2010

online english literature tutoring

image Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941), Nobel Literature for literature (1913), was one of modern India's greatest poets and the composer of independent India's National Anthem. Tagore wrote primarily in Bengali, but translated many of his works into English himself. Ta..
image A South African writer. Her novels and short stories portray the impact of South Africa's social policies upon individuals. She firmly believes that the life of an individual and the problems of the society cannot be separated from one another. Some of her collections of short stories and novel..
image Sarojini Naidu was born on February 13 th in 1879 in Hyderabad. She was a political activist and played an active role in the freedom struggle of India. She was the first Indian woman to become the president of the Indian National Congress. In 1947, she became the governor of the United Provin..
The Solitary Reaper
One of the greatest poets in English literature is William Wordsworth. Wordsworth, the 18 th century poet is called 'The Nature Poet' because of his great attachment to nature. His famous poems include 'Daffodils' and 'Lines Written on Immortality'. The Solitary Reaper is Word..
I Cannot Remember my Mother
'I Cannot Remember my Mother' is a gentle nostalgic poem written by 'Guru' Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore is one of the greatest poets of modern India (1861 - 1941). The national anthem of India was composed by him. His song 'Amaar Sonar Bangla' is the national anthem of Bangladesh. He has composed m..
Read and analyze the development of British literature and literature of other cultures Read and analyze a variety of informational materials, including electronic resources Read and critique a variety of poetry Read and critique dramatic selections from a variety of author..
Read and analyze relationships among American literature, history, and culture Read and analyze a variety of informational materials Read and critique a variety of poetry Read and critique a variety of dramatic selection..
English Grammar
Determiners - Determiners warn us about the nouns that are to follow. They mark the noun and we make inference about the noun based on the determiner used before i..
The Tribute - The story 'Tribute' traces the process of repentance that starts for Babuli when he receives a letter from his elder brother about the partition of his village property amongst the three brother..
online english literature tutoring Question and Answers 1 Question and Answers 1 See what our Users say :
It's help ful session. I translate my book with him it was great time - William
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  2. Nice blog post. Thanks for this. For more information about online english tutor



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